Before you watch this video, I thought I should warn you that potential side effects of watching it may Include flacid vomiting, hair loss, extremely soupy diarrhea, dry mouth, painful rectal itch, dementia, instantaneous death, halitosis, 7-month mental retardation, sleep loss, internal combustion, a sudden craving to sniff your carpet, an addiction to Windex, bone weakening, claustrophobia, the sudden urge to play Everquest II, the ability to make Jesus cry, the inability to use proper english in an online environment, temporary herpes, an urge to stab your gerbil, the inability to breathe oxygen, the urge to watch the Chinese version of Friends, migraines, diabetes, deafness, and of course, the ability to channel the dead spirit of John Holmes. Don't worry though, this only happens if you watch it while you're wearing your underwear as a mask.