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Madras Presidency Coins

Madras, also known as Fort St George, was founded in 1640. It was the first territorial acquired by East India Company and it was the oldest among all the three presidencies (Madras, Bombay and Bengal). Madras Presidency was also known as Madraspatinam or Chinapatinam. The company obtained a small piece of land just outside the walls of Fort St George and started building a mint on March 1, 1640.
On this post I publish some of my European mint madras presidency coins, I will post more madras presidency coins in near future

Excellent Coin Of Madras Presidency XX Cash (20 Cash) European Mint Style Year 1808

Excellent Coin Of Madras Presidency X Cash (10 Cash) European Mint Style Year 1808

Excellent Coin Of Madras Presidency X Cash (10 Cash) European Mint Style Year 1803 Rare Year